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Recommended Books

Here is a list of books that have inspired and guided my work and teaching in coaching and conflict management. Click on each image for more details. I hope you find them interesting and useful! 

The Coaching Habit.jpg
The Advice Trap.jpg
How to Begin - MBS.jpg
Mindset - Carol Dweck.jpg
Getting to Yes - Roger Fisher and Willia
Difficult Conversations.jpg
NonViolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg.jpg
BIFF - Bill Eddy.jpg
It's All Your Fault At Work - Bill Eddy.
Taming the Abrasive Manager Book.jpg
Daring Greatly - Brene Brown.jpg
The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown.jpg
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life.
Conflict Management Coaching - Cinnie No
The EQ Edge - Steven Stein.jpg
Positive Intelligence.jpg
The Fifth Discipline - Peter Senge.jpg
The Gaslight Effect.jpg
No Ego - Cy Wakeman.jpg
Reality-Based Leadership - Cy

Recommended Videos


Here are links to some websites and videos that provide useful information for managing conflict, coaching others, and taking care of yourself. 

Marshall Goldsmith

How to tame your Advice Monster - Michael Bungay Stanier (14 min)

Conscious Leadership Group

Locating Yourself -

A Key to Conscious Leadership (3 min)

Understanding the Drama Triangle

vs. Presence (3 min)

EMPATHY - Simon Sinek (14 min)

Brené Brown on Empathy (3 min)

The Super Power of Resilience

- Sule Kutlay Gandur (15 min)

Brené Brown on Blame (3 min)

Know your inner saboteurs

- Shirzad Chamine (20 min)

Are you willing to End Gossip? (3 min)

The Struggle Switch  (3 min)

Dr. Russ Harris

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

- Coach Tracy O'Leary (7 min)

The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage

- Susan David (16 min)

Mental Brakes to Avoid Mental Breaks

- Dr. Steven C. Hayes (26 min)

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